Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Met the Guys from NIKE+
btw - the chart above is 50-54 men&women usa - for the month of march - which is my normal running. this month in april - jane - vacummed up my sensor which got chewed up and broke & i was without for two days - then i bought one and i kinda screwed up calibrating it - but not really - they're hard to calibrate - and got recorded 1 mile two days in a row before i finally have it recording somehere near the right mileage. so there. and the chart below is the same only worldwide. so there again.
runners kinda know this - when they meet someone who either pretends to be or is interested eventually the someone asks - have you run a marathon after monday i will be able to answer SEVERAL!!!!! way cool. i mean i'm old. as artie would say "wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Nike knows where i am
(when you get to my map - you can make it a little smaller and see the satellite view as well!)
and here's where i stand for january according to nike. i actually ran 198 miles but there were a couple of days i didn't have the pod & the thing isn't calibrated right yet - but anyway - it's fun!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
The Real Deal in Running

all gaps are only 1 day except the slighly wide one - that was 2 days after the marathon. you'd be surprised what tightness there is in an old guy like me after 26.2 miles.

Monday, January 08, 2007
If I Were Running Cross Country

i thought i'd explain this briefly. if i posted my miles cross country as i'm tracking it above then - here's where i'd be. fu. Normally i just point people to the links below - but, i've decided it's noteworthy (only to me really surely (sp?)).
435 days have passed since this running log began - tracking my running in such a dedicated way is a feat unto itself for me - generally i would have lost interest long ago (i almost quit at 6 months and was simply going to double the result to predict the year)
so - 435 days have passed since October 31, 2005. i've run 417 of those days or 95.9% - meaning i took 18 days off - 2 of which were the 2 days following the marathon - needed those for sure - two were for injuries - that piled up on me - the rest i just took it easy!
the first 7 weeks i wasn't running any seven mile days (i stopped about 6 months earlier when i was floored by the flu - i just didn't have it in my head to be able to do 7 after i recovered) since the 8th week through week 63 (current week) i've been running sevens 236 out of 386 days or 61% - for the entire period i've averaged 6.12 miles per day
my longest consecutive stretch was 72 days - July 4 through September 13 of which 70 of the 72 days were seven mile days !!!!
see The Handicap Theory - Running
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
The Handicap Theory - Running

Golfers are an orderly bunch. Even those that don't play golf understand the handicap system. One guy says to another (gal) my handicap is 13 what's yours? He answers and they both pretty much know what the other guy is! Now that's totally cool - you have to admit - so few facts transmitted and so much information !!!!!!
Well other sports need handicapping as well - especially the one's I love & do - Running & Skiing. How in hell do you tell someone how you ski or determine how they ski? Hey I'm really good, I can snowplow, I can jump, I can . . . . - that's really stupid. But . . . . . . If there were a handicap system it would be just like golfers.
So now, let's move on to running. If there were a handicap system for running some of the elements of calculation would be number of days run out of how how many elapsed average number of miles per day speed per mile running conditions (heat, cold, snow, . . . .) All of these factors would be weighed appropriately and whalah ---- you'd get a a handicap.
Now years ago (maybe three or four), I timed myself for months and tracked the stuff. I figured out a good 5 mile run was 42-45 minutes, a great one 41 or so, and bad ones longer.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Last 2006 BAA Marathon Analysis - splits

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I'm Running ! It just doesn't look like it!

For those of you that haven't run 26.2 miles here's the run down. Before the run starts maybe you're nervous - can you do it? - maybe you'll have to drop out, maybe you can't run it, will you get hurt and be kept from getting to the end. All that goes through your mind. Then you start and of course you have to run along - especially when there are (in this case 2 waves) 10,000 plus runners who WILL trample you if you don't move along. BTW - if you try to move too fast you'll trip someone - trip yourself - and still get trampled.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Lotta Running Stuff

Now before you look - the map calculates that my run is 6.57 miles. I've measured it on my bike which is pretty accurate and the distance is 6.8 miles. So - i have to come clean now - i really don't want to - but i don't run 7 miles - i only run 6.8!!!! I've been lying all of these years and i apologize to everyone - in the past - and in the future - since i am going to continue to lie about this and tell EVERYONE i run 7 miles.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Marathon Game Plan ! - # 23395 !

i've run boston twice before - age 50 and 51 - and now 52. both times i learned a lot.
Now it needs to be stated i didn't train - at all - other than my normal daily running - for the past two marathons and i didn't train for this - again - my last one - as were the other two - each my last.

so the second time i ran was kind of accidental. Last year - 2005 - my good friend got me a number again - thanks to you Paul again & again - and whalah - there i was again. Well this one i took care of my toes. SO there was no toe problem. However once that was taken care of i ran into - no pun intended - my thighs KILLED after heartbreak hill - and that slowed me down a LOT - they HURT!
So now you also have to remember as orthogonal as it is i smoke two packs of cigs per day for 35 years or so. No attitude about it - it's just true.
And finally these medals are cool. They give it to you within about 3-5 minutes from the end - they're very organized and it's very cool. I usually don't run the next day or so - since my legs are stiff and hurt some - not a lot - but some. but when i do run the next time after the marathon - i really want to run with the medal on. it's not so much to have others see it - but more so to recognize myself for having done something that's just plain old hard to do.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Running Log from 2000-2001

Sunday, January 22, 2006
The Handicap Theory - Addendum
The Handicap works on a scale of 10 where 10 is the best runner and 1 the worst (sorry!) runner. There are three parameters to the formula:
- % of Elapsed Days that you run - ergo - days run ÷ days elapsed = % and the higher the % or the more days per week you run therefore the higher your handicap
- Miles Per Day that you run - the more you run the higher your handicap!
- Speed per Mile - the faster you are the higher your handicap!
Now the next thing we need to do is weight these things together. so here's my view in the chart to the left.
I don't have the time to finish - but i will be soon.
Oh - i end up with a 7.9
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
The I'm not a Bastard Theory

Sunday, December 25, 2005
Music I'm Listening To When I Run

James Hunter - You Can't Win
Sonya Kitchell - Let Me Go
Hard-FI - Stars of CCTV
2.12.06 8:41 pm
Lisa Loeb has some pretty good music - she's about 30 - but her younger sister is Debbie about 19 years old - and she has a nice tune in two different ways - ballad and a dance tune. You can download if you right click on this link and "save target as...... been listening to a lot of Bonnie Raitt - "Got You On My Mind" - great tune - very casual but very thoughtful. It so interesting how simple lyrics can be in a pop tune - but they're also often so pertinent. This one is - from 1974, Streetlights album - great tune. You can get it from iTunes too.
good tune from a band called destroyer "right click on this link and save target as . . . . " this tune is called European Oils - nice tune - good group.
the Acid House Kings great group - try this one "Do What You Wanna Do" and try this "This and That" and finally you can get this one which i think is about their best "I Can't Let Go" from iTunes.
1.7.06 12:24 pm
Good music – maybe not too many though.
I was listening to weekend edition Saturday and near the end of the show they had this 24 year old on named Jens Lenkman – he’s Swedish (although dark haired) He’s got a really nice voice and pacing of his music and the tempo of his arrangement and voice – they mold together very nicely – and uniquely – like him a lot – he’ll never be a wide hit – but he’s very cool – you can listen to him at NPR.org.
listen to the third song first ‘Rocky Dennis’ Farewell Song’ (Oh You’re So Silent Jens) – then listen to the first song second – ‘You Are the Light’ (When I Said I Wanted to Be Your Dog) here’s the link: npr.org – jens Lenkman! Also you can get it on itunes. also two other good tunes of his are: "Rocky Dennis Farewell Song to the Blind Girl" and "Maple Leaves".
interesting group – the special guests – i think they’re German. Good tune “Rhythm & Brass” here’s where to get it free – "right click on this link and save target as . . . . "
Interesting guy named Matt Costa – if you remember John Sebastian singing “Darling Be Home Soon” – this is a good rendition "right click on this link and save target as . . . . "
Tessiura – great tune called: Nervous here’s the Link - "right click on this link and save target as . . . . "
the warmth – granville great tune – see link – available free. here’s the link "right click on this link and save target as . . . . "
British Sea Power – The Lonely is a great tune very early Bowie like in voice – great tune for running. Also Big Star – Do You Wanna Make It – great tune that has a very catchy beat – really catchy tune – also great for running
Deborah Cox is a great singer – good R&B with Anita Baker shades, Luther Vandross Rhythms Lots of material available Try just one tune “Call Me”
this is great music – all indie bands except one – first class stuff – sorry i can’t provide links – but mostly available on iTunes British Sea Power * , Clap Your Hands Say Yeah* , Hard-FI* , Big Star* , The Decemberists* , Shout Out Louds* , Broken Social Scene* , M83* , Big Star*
Bobby Bare * – this is an old time country singer – but he does a really great rendition of “Yesterday When I was Young”
here’s some stuff i’ve been listening to prior to above – just to start off with
San Antonio Vocal Arts Ensemble, Imogen Heap, Deborah Cox, Stereophonics, Kings of Convenience, My Morning Jacket*